



In Lights


2014年成立于旧金山湾区圣何塞的后摇滚乐队In Lights由五位成员组成:双吉他、贝斯、鼓,和小提琴。其中四人为华裔。他们以最直接的方式和充沛的感情,创作出兼具张力和感染力的器乐作品。在一张EP和一首单曲之后,In Lights于2017年加入1724唱片,并由后者于同年11月发行了自己的首张全长专辑《This is how we exist》。这张收录7首作品的唱片录制历时两年,母带处理则由两届格莱美奖得主Greg Calbi完成。“围绕光和希望”,选择他们作为封面人物的《通俗歌曲》杂志如是描述In Lights。

在继续新作品创作的同时,In Lights也计划和1724一起,在不久的将来完成他们的首次中国巡演。带着令人兴奋的声音场景,回到自己的国家。


“In Lights”, is a five-piece instrumental post-rock band based out of San Jose, CA, formed in 2014. The band consist two guitarists, one bassist, one drummer and one violin. The band creates dynamic, emotive and immersive music in it’s most direct form. The band released their first EP in early 2015, a single on 2016 and released the new album on November 2017.

Influences include Mogwai, Explosions in the sky, Sigur Ros, Caspian, This Will Destroy You, Collapse Under The Empire, Hammock, Immanu El, Pink Floyd, EF, God Is An Astronaut, Lowercase Noises, Mooncake, pg.lost, Saxon Shore, Wang wen, etc.

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